
Saturday 25 October 2014

Astroshamanic Touch - Basic Workshop, 31 January - 1 February 2015

With Franco Santoro

In Valenza (Alessandria, Italy)

AstroshamanicHealing® Touch is a shamanic bodywork application of astroshamanism and experiential astrology. Its aim is to explore the body's spontaneous energies of ecstasy, uncovering and directing their healing potentials with integrity and clarity of intention.

Drawing from the practices of ancient mystery schools and the astrological wisdom, Astroshamanic Touch works on the multidimensional body, through the empowering use of shamanic trance, according to clear boundaries and in alignment with planetary rhythms.

The horoscope is grounded on the physical body, allowing the richness of the astrological archetype to become alive and provide pragmatic awareness of their nature

The physical body is a dynamic vortex continually relating with a multidimensional field of energy. Yet what we humanly perceive about the body is mainly the product of belief systems based on separation and the denial of our holistic nature. When we are open to release these belief systems and forms of conditioning, new and much more exciting configurations emerge. Once these are consciously and pragmatically experienced, they can be gradually integrated into everyday reality, healing the fragmented self and reconnecting it to its original source.

During this workshop we explore ways of employing the physical body to foster expanded states of consciousness, retrieve soul parts, reawaken healing talents and allow these to integrate into everyday life.

The intent is to release blocks that hinder our potentials, celebrating the sacredness of our multidimensional body in alignment with the healing flow of energy.

With deep trance bodywork, we share ways of channelling profound passions, transforming and merging them in accordance with our life purpose.

For information contact:

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