
Monday 22 September 2014

Here comes Autumn!

Here comes Autumn!
Autumn is about letting go.
This could make us uncomfortable since "letting go" sounds as if we have to sacrifice something beautiful and then suffer.
On the contrary "letting go" is about releasing sufferance, situation
s, people and states of mind which cause pain and misery.
In autumn we can choose to focus on what we want, on our most authentic and luminous dreams. We can become aware that in order to manifest those dreams, we need to let go of our miserable and dark dreams. And no matter how dark it gets, the only purpose of that darkness is to remind us of light. (FS)

"Blow away the dreams that tear you apart, blow away the dreams that break your heart, blow away the lies that leave you nothing, but lost and broken hearted." (Bruce Springsteen, born 23 September 1949, Sun/Moon in Libra, Ascendant in Gemini)

The Autumn Equinox occurs at 2:29 UTC on 23 September 2014, when the Sun enters Libra.

"You can’t start a fire sitting around, crying over a broken heart. This gun’s for hire, even if we’re just dancing in the dark." (Bruce Springsteen, born 23 September 1949, Sun/Moon in Libra, Ascendant in Gemini)

For information on the Autumn Equinox see:

For our Equinox distant meditation see

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