
Tuesday 17 June 2014

Gemini/Pisces 2

“At the end of our exploring we shall not cease from exploration . . . and the end of all of our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time.“ (T. S. Eliot quoted in Run Lola Run by Tom Tykwer, Sun in Gemini, Moon in Pisces)

The Sun is in Gemini and the Moon in Pisces from 18:26 GMY, 17 June, to 21:26, 19 June 2014. This combination occured also from 21 to 23 May 2014. When a Sun/Moon position is repeated within  the same solar cycle, it can offer the opportunity to open the gates of linear time, allowing us some glimpses of time voyage, amending or redirecting our past.

Here you could consider what happened between 21 and 23 May 2014, when the Sun and the Moon were in the same position as now (click here for the related article). If you could go back in time, what would you do? Would you change anything? If this is the casa, you can find a creative way to change things now.

Gemini and Pisces are double signs, they both have parallel lives, they journey on two levels of time. Hence they are aware that in any situation and event there is always the other side of the coin.

In these last days of Gemini, with the Moon in Pisces, we can unveil the other side, what we keep disregarding in ourselves and others, giving it opportunities for expressions. For example, if in the past days, weeks, or even years, you have behaved and made choices in order to please others, then you can do the opposite, acting so as to please yourself.

“I deserve no punishment at all for being who I am.” (Jerzy Kosinski, Sun in Gemini, Moon in Pisces)

Image: by Raoul Dufy, nato con Sole in Gemelli e Luna in Pesci, pittore francese.

© Franco Santoro,  

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