
Friday 23 May 2014

Astrological sessions

Acknowledge your resources, align with your highest purpose, release the dust and hit your targets. Annual review, energy budget and manifestation plans...


Astrology provides a complete map of all the basic elements and dynamics of our life, together with the opportunity of identifying its blocks and potentials, including the direction they take through time and space. This consultation offers a complete exploration of your astrological chart based on your current life cycles and intentions. The aim is to support the alignment with your life purpose, tapping into the inner knowledge of your being, acknowledging strengths, gifts, and finding effective ways to deal with challenges and grievances. Also the consultation is organised to suit your questions, intentions and needs, working on specific areas, such as relationship, work, creativity, manifestation, prosperity, sexuality, healing and spirituality.

For more details see:

For booking or information: please contact:

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