is a very delicate period, in which new talents and gifts take solid
shape and prepare for their outer emergence, yet in a context where we
may still be unable to acknowledge and see what is actually emerging.
requires focus, care and alertness so as to embrace the opportunity of
giving fruitful conscious birth to what truly aligns with our authentic
potential, including the current planetary transformational shift. Each
one of us is dealing with a specific element in this wider process of
delivery. Here I want to underline that these elements gain considerable
clarity, perspective and definition when they move from our personal
limbo out into the collective. We can become truly aware of our emerging
gifts and talents when we allow them to be visible and acknowledgeable
by others, instead of breeding them in isolation.
many years of working shamanically with people I have realised that the
majority of individuals are unable to identify their own talents and
often even regard them as negative or harmful. Hence they may continue
to bury them for ages, unless they accidentally or forcefully happen to
disclose them and receive positive feedback from others.
Hence, when you notice something beautiful in the people you meet, even when it is so obvious and you feel it may appear stupid to point it out, well, please be honest and appreciate them anyway. What is obvious for you may not be obvious at all for the person involved.
Hence, when you notice something beautiful in the people you meet, even when it is so obvious and you feel it may appear stupid to point it out, well, please be honest and appreciate them anyway. What is obvious for you may not be obvious at all for the person involved.
is a huge melting pot, thriving on connections and all forms of
blending, inviting us to surrender to the multidimensional ocean of life
and death, sharing who we are and receiving the sharing of others, in
an ongoing process of giving and receiving, which eventually loses sight
of the outdated difference between subject and object, ecstatically
proclaiming the unexpurgated and immaculate wholeness of our nature.
Deep breath…
all the signs of the zodiac, Pisces is the one closest to the
experience of multidimensional realities. Placed in the last stage of
the zodiacal path, it represents all potential peaks in human
consciousness. Here the zodiac circle reaches its final stage and can
either face a quantum leap, moving into a brand new definition, or get
back to sector one (Aries), repeating the same cycle all over again.
holds the key to the forbidden threshold of the zodiac, the one that
allows the shift into the multidimensional realm, the movement into the
spiralling cycle and the release of the karmic wheel. Hence, during the
period of Pisces, it is easy to experience confrontations with threshold
situations, glimpses of alternative lives and parallel universes,
together with feelings of bewilderment, confusion or fear, as they are
perceived by our ordinary identities.
with the essence of Pisces bestows the capacity to unveil
multidimensional portals or itineraries. This is possible or easier when
blocks and grievances have been effectively released through journeys
in the preceding signs. When this is not the case, Pisces may become an
excruciating vortex of hallucinations and turmoil.
includes the whole spectrum of identities we employ to voyage in the
intricate landscape of our multidimensional self. Hence in Pisces
resides the possibility of either unveiling their common source or
preserving their separation.
Pisces has a close association with Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, the
god of ecstasy, trance and dance. Similarly to Pisces, its origins and
nature are confused and assorted. According to one myth he is the son of
Zeus and a mortal woman (Semele), who is killed by Zeus himself while
Dionysus is still in her womb. Dionysus is then exceptionally born from
the thigh of Zeus. Given that Hera was furious about this birth, Zeus
entrusted Dionysus to the Hyades,
a group of nymphs who disguised the god as a girl and raised him as an
androgyne. In the Orphic mysteries Persephone, queen of the Underworld,
is the mother of Dyonisus, whereas in the Elusinian mysteries it is Demeter.
Triumphal cortege of Dionysus (Museum of Sousse) |
© Franco Santoro, info@astroshamanism.org
© Franco Santoro, info@astroshamanism.org. All rights reserved.
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