
Saturday 31 August 2013

Human Captivity

Warning: This article is part of the Provisional Order Material (POM) All information provided here is presented solely for recreational and strategic reading and as part of a Game Simulation, which is not meant to substitute the recipient’s direct experience and investigation. The author does not necessarily endorse any of the ideas and views expressed in this literature, including his own.

Our ego separated identity begins to crash when we come to the realisation that none of its achievements and goals will make us happy.  

Our physical goals serve the purpose of causing frustration, conflicts and all kinds of grievances. This is because no goal can truly be satisfied in a separated reality.

In our physical life or third dimension only one thing is absolutely certain, we are going to lose everything, sooner or later, with no exception, simply because we have never had anything, since from a multidimensional perspective our reality does not truly exist.

Our strategic purpose in a separated reality is to let it go, waking up from it and reawaken in the multidimensional reality.

When we realise that we are not truly here, that we have never been here, we will stop giving so much importance to our third dimensional life, allowing our true nature to unfold, until we fully reawaken it.

We need to become capable of redirecting and redeploying just a minute percentage of the huge amounts of energy used to preserve our separated reality. This will allow us to wake up, to return to our original awareness, the journey home.

Since we have lost the memory of where we truly belong, the only possible place to go keep being our separated reality.

From a multidimensional perspective we are already dead, we don't exist in the physical reality. In the fourth dimension, where it is possible to move through different time lines, our human identity and life hardly occupies the duration of a single breath within an infinite time line.

In the fourth dimension we are already dead. Unless we manage to see our physical life from the perspective of its end, we will never manage to understand the fourth dimension.

Our physical life is a low resolution hologram of our fourth dimensional identity.

The crisis and acute grievances we experience in our third dimensional life are major opportunities to wake up and understand where we truly are.

Every recovery from crisis is merely a momentary relief aimed at delaying our awakening.

A time will come when this relief will not serve any longer for we will be forced to wake up, though we will continue to have the option to fall asleep again and remain in the third dimension.

The aim of the third dimension is to generate grievances. It is a mine of grievances and human beings are its miners and slaves. Grievances are like diamonds whose value is acknowledged only outside the mine. As long as we remain in the mine as slaves, grievances have no value.

We can choose to devote less attention to our identity as human slaves, identifying with our nature existing beyond. Grievances are so abundant in our reality that we cannot see them. We cannot see them simply because we are them.

All grievances are caused by the perception of the physical body. Grievances are the result of separation and the physical body constantly reminds us that we are separate. Hence there is no possibility of unity as long as we are in a body.

The only purpose of the body is to operate as an education tool to facilitate release.

© Franco Santoro, 

Some upcoming programmes

Terra di Luce, Corvaro (Rieti, Italy) 18-20 October 2013, Multidimensional Relationships, Astroshamanic Soul Retrieval of the Light Heart, click here for details.

Terra di Luce, Corvaro (Rieti, Italy) 1-3 November 2013, Multidimensional Relationships, Astroshamanic Soul Retrieval of the Dark Heartclick here for details.

Warsaw (Poland), 30 November-1 December 2013, The Great Leap - Astroshamanic Basic Workshop, click here for details.

Terra di Luce, Corvaro (Rieti, Italy) 27 December 2013, 2 January 2014, Astroshamanic New Year Retreat, click here for details.

Frankfurt/Vogelsberg (Germany) 22-26 February 2014, (new!) Astrological Course Intensive  

Bury, Greater Manchester (England), 14-21 March 2014, Astroshamanic Trance Dance Intensive
click here for details.

Cuzco (Peru), 15-22 June 2014, The Original Quest: An Astroshamanic Voyage into Time and Space & Summer Solstice Celebration, click here for details.

For full programmes see:

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