
Thursday 29 August 2013

New Year Astroshamanic Healing Retreat

In English/Italian

This retreat is a major opportunity to join loving forces with other friends on the path, creating healing networks and laying vital foundations for manifesting honourable intentions. The week promotes expanded awareness and planetary healing through meditation, astroshamanic practices and gentle inner work. We will alternate periods of silence and dialogue, stillness and movement, touch and contact, relaxation and activity, group and individual sessions, bringing careful attention to our inner and outer world, while also experientially exploring our astrological charts. We will also spiritually scan the past year, using an astroshamanic recapitulation technique, purposefully designed for the New Year, and successfully used by Franco with hundreds of participants at the Findhorn Foundation in the past 12 years.

The assumption of shamanic recapitulation is that past events can block vital energy until they are finally sorted out and released. When this is not the case the past keeps being held in the emotional body and is constantly recycled, reactivated and condensed in the present. As human beings we tend to invest enormous energies in these memories until, just like in a computer, the memory space is used up, and our lives crash, hang or freeze. Besides reviewing one’s life and memories, releasing grievances and blocked emotions, recapitulation can allow previously trapped energies to become available so as to implement desired results and objectives. Hence, recapitulation is combined with practices aimed at defining one’s intentions, and budgeting, organising and programming the year ahead.

We will also use the Astroshamanic Healing Grid at Terra Di Luce Corvaro, paving a luminous way into the New Year. The programme also includes a New Year’s Astroshamanic Dance.

Held for 12 years at the Findhorn Foundation this retreat is finally taking place at Terra di Luce (, in Corvaro di Borgorose (Rieti, Italy) an uncontaminated mountain environment more fully aligned with holistic and astroshamanic work. Terra di Luce, in the Valle del Salto, 70 km from Rome (70 minutes by public coach), is an international holistic centre and community. 

Terra di Luce's aim is to accept and fully integrate all aspects of life. Particular attention is given to the connection between physical and spiritual reality, including sacred sexuality, shadow work, manifestation, ancestors, nature spirits and parallel realities. The community is an experiential education centre open to friends wishing to spend short or long term healing time, benefiting from the natural and human resources of the place. It is possible to stay longer, also after and before the workshop entering our short, medium and long term programmes facilitated by Franco Santoro, Liliana Cozza and Luciano Engaldini

For information: Terra di Luce, via Fuori le Mura, 10, Corvaro, Rieti 02021,, tel. 0746306529,,à-Terra-di-Luce/558395304210273

Terra di Luce is in Corvaro di Borgorose (Rieti) in the Valle del Salto, 70 km from Rome (one hour by motorway) and 23 km from L'Aquila. For information: Terra di Luce, via Fuori le Mura, 10, Corvaro, Rieti 02021, tel. 0746306529,,à-Terra-di-Luce/558395304210273 and

Cost: on a sliding scale according to income.
Euro 330 (low), Euro 370 (medium), Euro 420 (high).
Accommodation: Euro 192, including half board (breakfast and dinner), in two or three-bed rooms, with kitchen, for six nights. Single room supplement: Euro 15 per night. Please book at your earliest convenience since places are limited. Bursaries and reductions with work exchange are available.

For information contact:,,à-Terra-di-Luce/558395304210273

Celia McKenna will hold a similar retreat in the Findhorn Community in Scotland (see:

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