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Touch the Sky, by ~NusiaxD |
The Higher World is shamanically regarded as the realm of cosmic beings,
spiritual masters, wise people, gods and goddesses, planets, galaxies and
The relationship with this dimension has always been present since
the dawn of human race. The first human rituals were meant to honour the energies of
the Sky in exchange of well-being and abundance for the Earth. These ceremonies
worked as real acts of exchange and were regularly practised in order to assure
balance and the survival of the community.
In this context, as time went on, a
few individuals emerged. They became the specialists of such practices. While
the majority of people invested their energies in agriculture and the
manipulation of natural cycles, these individuals continued to keep and develop
the capacity to move along the vertical axis to travel in the areas of the
three shamanic worlds.
In the course of various ages their role underwent
shifts and contamination. When the majority of human beings definitively gave
up their relationship with non-ordinary reality, they assumed the roles of
shaman, priest, astrologer or medicine man and began to give form to specific
hierarchical structures aimed at mediating between Sky and Earth. Ordinary men
resigned themselves to resort to such category of few elects and the mysteries
of the Sky became a heritage accessible only to a very privileged minority.
In the
last decades, the Sky, both from the spiritual and scientific perspective, is
meeting a growing interest. Astronomical discoveries, space voyages, science
fiction movies and books, UFO, channelling from other galaxies, etc. currently
play a major role in the collective thought system. Many eyes are pointed
toward the starry sky, as they were in ancient times.
From the
Earth, looking at the night sky, it is possible to see up to 20000 stars with
the naked eye. A small number if we consider that only in the Milky Way there
are more than 200 millions stars. Among the visible stars, 110 of them have had
a special significance in the course of human history. They are called fixed stars. As a matter of fact they
are not at all fixed, but as their distance from the Earth is so remote, they
appear so because their movement is not perceived by human eyes. The views of
astrologers about fixed stars are different: some ignore them, others employ
them only in particular situations.
A fixed star is generally considered
significant only if it is in a close aspect of conjunction (the same longitude)
or parallel (the same declination) with an angle or a prominent planet in the
natal chart, and also when it stresses characteristics which are emphasised in
the general theme.
channellers maintain that the function of certain stars toward the Earth is
that of involving it in an activity of exchange meant at releasing grievances
and receive blessings. According to such visions the power of stars is emanated
through rays that reach the Earth in different ways. This power is often considered
as the element of activation and transformation of the whole universe and is
also seen as providing the energy to connect with the Higher World. From this
perspective each human being on Earth becomes a channel through which starry
waves flow.
Stars and planets are here like teachers that educate us on how to
grow and transform ourselves. “At the time of the creation of the universe, the
heavier elements, which our bodies and other physical matters are composed of,
were not created. These came from the explosion of a great star, a supernova
even. The immense heat generated by a supernova
resulted in a fusion that, in turn, resulted in carbon, iron, and so
forth. How paradoxical that the unimaginable destruction of a star resulted in the creation of the ingredients of physical matter. We are star-born,
tribal cultures have many myths and wisdom about the stars. Among them some
cultures give special privilege to the Sky and have developed an understanding
of the universe preceding the astronomical discoveries that took place after
the invention of the telescope.
For example, the Dogon (Mali ) were already aware of the
Saturn’s rings, the four main satellites of Jupiter, the elliptic orbit of the
planets around the Sun and the spiralling form of our galaxy. The source of
this awareness is traditionally due to the descent of a group of superior
beings from the stellar system of Sirius. They were the first founders of
civilisation on Earth. The Dogon religion acknowledges the star Sirius as the
centre of the universe, together with its twin and smaller satellite star
called po tolo (tolo means “star” and po is
the smallest cereal grain known to the Dogon) which is actually considered as
more important than its much larger counterpart. The latter is totally
invisible to the naked eye and can only be identified with a very powerful
telescope. The Dogon, like other people, aspire to reconnect to their star of
origin and wait the return of their forefathers.
Another example is that of the
Skidi Pawnee who once lived in the prairies of what are now Kansas and Nebraska (USA). While
most Native American cultures consider the Earth as mother and the Sky as
father, the Skidi Pawnee look at the Sky as their only parent. They, together
with the Earth, are sons of the Sky. The Sky is therefore their place of origin
to which they are going to return. This has probably already happened as the
Skidi Pawnee no longer exists on this planet. One of their myths says that
“when the time comes for things to end our people will turn into small stars
and will fly to the South Star, where they belong. When the time comes for the
ending of the world the stars will again fall to Earth. They will mix among the
people for it will be a message to the people to get ready to be turned into
The role of stars as heralds of divine will and the reference to their fall is
also mentioned in the Bible: “the sun turned black as a funeral pall and the
moon all red as blood; the stars in the sky fell to the earth, like figs shaken
down by a gale; the sky vanished, as a scroll is rolled up, and every mountain
and island was moved from its place.” (Revelation 6, 12-14).
In the Kabalah and
many other esoteric traditions, the seven stars of the Pleiades (and in
particular Alcyone which is the brightest) are considered the core or central
sun of our universe. In the Game of the
Sacred Cone they are called Urplei and
are regarded as the upper core of one of the two spirals that make up the
Sacred Cone or Pahai which lies within the Grey Sphere. The Pleiades and other
stars are also credited in the Bible: “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades
or loose Orion’s belt? Can you bring out the signs of the zodiac in their
season, or guide Aldebaran and its train?” (Job 38, 31-32).
In general
terms the Higher World can be astrologically connected to the planets Neptune
and Uranus. The energetic prevalence of these planets is indicated by various
factors in the natal chart: for example, the conjunction of Uranus or Neptune
to one of the angles, to the Sun or Moon. Those who have such traits tend to
develop, at times prematurely, a strong sensitivity to the Higher World and
make it the major inspiring factor in their lives. Their experiences are often
in contrast with those of ordinary human beings and the attempt of having their
perception being acknowledged by the outer world can be a source of
instability, pain and shocks.
For those who are closely connected with the
above planets, the limitations and illusions of conventional life are very tangible,
as well as the need to rise one’s awareness to another level. This necessity
can often express itself through rebellion, escapism, lack of grounding,
addictions, repulsion for material life, etc. Such attitudes often indicate an
incapacity to accept the responsibility as regards one’s presence on the Earth
which can render impossible a true connection with the Sky.
wisdom emphasises the need to retrieve, understand and heal the relationship
with the roots of our past and the current state of the Earth. Before being
able to transcend material reality, I need to incorporate qualities like
self-discipline, integrity, maturity, constancy, respect for traditions, etc.
In astrology these characteristics are represented by Saturn. This planet, which
was once the limit of our solar system, gives grounding and stability to access
the powers of Uranus and Neptune.
relationship with the Higher World can be stimulated in any moment through the
exposition to the Sky, dreams, inner journeys, meditations, rituals, stellar
epics, science fictions, etc. Apart
from the predominant glamorous effects available in such field, an effective
connection with the power of stars is feasible only to those who have an
awareness which is particularly rare on this planet. This can be defined as galactic consciousness.
For the majority
of people on Earth it is already uncommon to go beyond the identification with
one’s family, race, country or nation. Only a minority of individuals is able
to fully experience, and not only intellectually, a planetary consciousness.
This means to consider oneself, and virtually live, as a cell of this planet.
Such attitude is possible when a deep relationship with the Lower and Middle
World has been established. It requires time to progressively release the
grievances and the sense of separation usually perceived on this planet. And
this is only the first step.
To develop a galactic consciousness, after the
identification with the Earth, I need to move on to experience that with the
solar system. Here I acknowledge the Sun as my Centre and enter into full
communion with all planets and bodies that exist in the solar system. Once I
have achieved such goal, I can proceed further to a wider identification.
does not mean that I have to give up my relationship with the Sky and the stars
until I am able to accomplish the above. If that gives me wisdom and pleasure,
there is no reason why I should renounce to create a dialogue with the stars at
my current level of awareness. I am a product of the stars and the long path of
retrieval of my memories will inevitably lead me to them. It is natural to feel
attraction toward the stars: what appears above is just a spark of the memories
of my original dwelling place. A place to which I can access if only I am ready
to open up to and take full responsibility for what brought me on Earth.
astroshamanism the work with the Higher World usually consists in visiting
one’s star or planet of origin and connect with the Guide of the Higher World.
The latter is, according to various traditions, a member of the Trinity of the
Spirit Guides (one for each world). His function is to introduce and guide me
into the infinite landscapes of the universe and make me aware of what exists
beyond my limited identification as inhabitant of planet Earth. This Guide
operates in conjunction with the other two. His task consists in receiving
grievances from the Lower and Middle World, and then in letting them flow to
the Higher World where they can be transformed. He also regulates the descent
of blessings and finer energies as part of this interchange.
Each one
of us has his own connection with the Higher World due to our original link
with such dimension. According to some channellers this connection can be
activated through specific codes (in form of images or vibrations) that allow
the access to a sort of Central Galactic
Programme. Here the user can access information specially prepared for his
understanding and level of awareness. As a way to conform to our current social
schemes, this system can work as a highly advanced virtual computer. The aim is
to activate the circuit of the receiver through a constant process of
deprogramming, insertion and processing of data.
In astroshamanism, for
example, a similar system is employed which is named Sacred Cone Initiation Programme. In this context the individual concerned receives, or the
facilitator provides, a first key of access that then find definition and
complete development through the work with the Spirit Guide.
A major operation here can be described as the reunion of the starship crew and its
organisation for the return to the original land. Here the Earth is considered
as a starship blocked in a net of oblivion and separation. The purpose is that
of allowing its engine to function again, gathering the whole crew and
inverting the sense of direction so that the Journey Home can take place.
[1] Page
Bryant, Starwalking: Shamanic Practices
for Traveling into the Night Sky, Bear & Co., p. 92.
[2] Von
del Chamberlain, When Stars Came Down To
Earth, p. 144, quoted in Bryant, op. cit.,
p. 212.
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