
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

New Moon in Leo - 30 July 2011

"Bridegrooms and brides belong to the bridal chamber. No one shall he able to see the bridegroom with the bride unless one becomes one." (Philip 82: 20-25)
The New Moon is at 19:39 BST on 30 July 2011 in 7° Leo 16’. This is the instant when Sun and Moon are precisely conjunct. 

With the New Moon the previous cycle ends and a further cycle commences. Each lunar cycle starts with the New Moon, reaches its climax with the Full Moon and ends with the next New Moon. 

The sign where the Moon is located at the initial New Moon determines the energy and Intent of the entire cycle. With this New Moon in Leo, the whole lunar cycle is characterised by Leo topics – such as self-expression, intention, play, creativity, performance, children, entertainment, etc. 

The current New Moon’s astrological sign (Leo) magnifies the expression of our uniqueness, the captivating force of the Sun, the golden quest for our authentic Intent and its open display on the stage of life.

At New Moon something is conceived: a project, an insight, an idea. The seed is there, yet it has not taken distinct form. The Moon is unseen, cloaked by the radiance of the Sun, and the seed abides hidden in the obscurity of consciousness. At this stage dreams, insights and relevant events may provide clues about the upcoming form.

The New Moon is an active phase, with the male energy being prevalent. It carries new awareness and a shift of perspective. This allows to establish intent and foundations for new projects or to release old cycles and grievances. Yet, since the whole scenario is vague, it may also be a time of vulnerability and uncertainty, which benefits from pauses, rest and reflection. 

Binary Card for 5.5
The general questions here are: “What do I truly want?” or “What is my Intent?” With the current Leo New Moon other questions may be: “What do I choose to create? What have I chosen to create so far? What am I called to display on the stage of life? How can I express my inherited talents in the present? What can I generously and playfully dispense to the world? Shall I take the risk of embracing what I truly cherish right now?” 

On a New Moon questions require an honest answer, which is not conditioned by general or cultural ideas about what is desirable and strictly refers to one’s own uncontaminated awareness. Also, once the answer comes, Leo calls for direct exposure and accomplishment.

During each New Moon you have the opportunity of spontaneously gliding into the energy of your Intent. This may be strategically stimulated through specific ritual visionary experiences, such as the astroshamanic Basic Ritual of the Sacred Cone, the mystery enactment of the Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber or whatever you choose to do of your own playful accord. 

Here please be aware of your Intent, no matter whether it appears as an arrogant fantasy to your ordinary mind or the outer social environment. This is not the time to be pragmatic or to be concerned about how to accomplish things. It is the moment to open up to your pure Intent, as you fully envisage it with no limitations. Later, as the cycle progresses, there will be chances to refine the Intent, orienting it towards manifestation and understanding its practical implications.

Blessings on your Leo lunation!

To fortify the connection with the Leo energy of this lunation you may benefit from listening to some music associated with Leo. Also books and movies associated with Leo may be useful. For a basic list see links below:

For music associated with Leo click here
For movies associated with Leo click here
For books associated with Leo click here

Click here for our calendar of holistic and astroshamanic events.

For individual consultations with Franco Santoro and Associates click here
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